Terminator: Resistance Review

Terminator: Resistance Review, The Terminator franchise has had its fair share of up’s & down’s over the years, So let’s look at recent game reviewed on PS4.


This story takes place in a post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, nearly 30 years after Judgement Day, and stars a brand new hero in the Terminator universe, Jacob Rivers, a soldier in the Resistance led by John Connor. Despite the fact that Jacob is just a lowly private, he’ll soon discover that he’s been specifically targeted by the latest threat from Skynet and marked for termination!

Skynet may be destined to lose the war, but at what cost to Jacob? Experience the events leading up to the decisive final battle for the fate of mankind in the war against the machines!.

Ok, so a promising story and that’s where the promise ends. I mean gee how did it go from such a great potential to being basically aliens colonial marines all over again.


Avoid at all costs, I’ll WON’T be back to this game ever, it’s not worth even at sale price i paid £12.99 and still feel cheated.

The Goods
  • None
The Bads
  • Graphics
  • Lack of enjoyment
  • Boredom
2.7Average Score
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